Sexual Assault

Sexual Assault
Liberty Law offers competent, experienced defense counsel to individuals charged with a criminal offense, including sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault in Salt Lake County, Davis County, and Utah County. .
Sexual Assault Definition
Sexual assault refers to a crime whereby an offender subjects a victim to unwanted sexual touching. Examples include unwanted bodily contact (fondling, kissing) or forced masturbation. Forcing another person to receive oral sex or forcing an object in a person’s anus, vagina, or penis are crimes that fall under this definition. Crimes in this category also include attempted rape, sexual groping, or assault/battery.
Aggravated Sexual Assault
The Utah Criminal Code (§ 76-5-405) defines aggravated sexual assault as:
- The offender attempts or forces a victim to forcible sodomy, rape, or object rape, or forcible sexual abuse by the threat of death or bodily injury;
- The offender is aided or abetted by one or more people;
- The offender uses a weapon or threatens to use a weapon during rape, forcible sodomy, or sexual abuse.
Aggravated sexual assault may also occur if serious bodily injury occurs to a victim during an attempted rape, attempted object rape, attempted forcible sodomy, or attempted forcible sexual abuse.
The difference between aggravated sexual assault and sexual abuse is that it is more invasive. Specifically, the offender committed an offense on top of a crime (use of a weapon during rape). Sexual abuse is different in that the offender performs unwanted contact (fondling, as an example).
As a result, aggravated sexual assault carries severe penalties. Aggravated sexual assault is a first-degree felony punishable by a minimum prison sentence of anywhere from six years to life or life without parole.
The circumstances pertaining to the case (the offender’s criminal history, the nature and severity of the crime, and other circumstances) often determine the sentence an offender receives. If the jury discovers the offender has a previous conviction for a “grievous sexual offense” (examples include (a) rape, Section 76-5-402; (b) rape of a child, Section 76-5-402.; (c) object rape, Section 76-5-402.2, and others), the offender may be sentenced to life without parole.
Aggravated sexual assault also carries monetary penalties of up to $10,000.
Contact Liberty Law for Effective, Experienced Representation
If you have been charged with sexual assault or aggravated sexual assault, or if an allegation of a sexual offense has been made against you, do not hesitate to contact the experienced lawyers at Liberty Law today.
It would be best if you refrained from making statements before you retain representation and remember to remain composed.
Our experienced criminal lawyers will work to provide you with a favorable outcome for your case while doing all we can to protect your rights and your freedom. Our attorneys understand how to effectively break through the often negative and powerful emotions that prosecutors, judges, and jurors feel through the use of persuasive arguments. We will dedicate our time and commitment to working with you on your case.
To schedule a consultation, please contact us online or by calling 801-709-6309.