Forcible Sexual Abuse

Forcible Sexual Abuse
What is Forcible Sexual Abuse?
Under Utah law, forcible sexual abuse occurs if the victim is 14 years of age or older and the actor (1) touches the anus, buttocks or pubic area, or touches the breasts of a female minor, or (2) takes indecent liberties with the victim to cause either emotional or bodily pain or to gratify the sexual desire of any individual without the consent of another (§76-5-404). Forcible sexual can occur regardless of the gender/sex of any participant under Utah law (§76-5-404).
Sentencing and Penalties for Forcible Sexual Abuse Charges
Forcible sexual abuse is a second-degree felony, punishable by a term of imprisonment not less than one year and no more than 15 years (§76-5-404). If, however, serious bodily injury occurred, then the charge would be a felony of the first degree, punishable by a term of imprisonment for 15 years and which may be for life. A fine of up to $10,000 may also be imposed.
Sexual Abuse of a Child
Sexual abuse of a child is a particularly atrocious crime. It is also a form of forcible sex abuse that occurs to people under the age of 14 (§76-5-404.1). Child sexual abuse is a second-degree felony, punishable by one to six years in prison. If it is found the abuse was heinous, such as aggravated sexual abuse, the defendant may receive a life sentence without parole.
Aggravated sexual abuse occurs if a dangerous weapon was used, or if force, duress, violence, coercion, or threat of harm occurred. An individual commits aggravated sexual abuse if bodily injury occurred or if the accused showed or displayed pornography during the offense.
Aggravated sexual abuse of a child is a first-degree felony punishable by not less than 15 years and which may be for life. Life without parole is possible if the court finds that during the aggravated sexual abuse of the child, the defendant was convicted previously of a grievous sexual offense.
Looking for an Experienced Defense Lawyer in the Salt Lake City, Utah Area?
It is essential to take immediate action and hire a defense attorney who knows how to craft an efficient, compelling defense, and work to fight for your freedom.
If you are currently under investigation for a sex crime such as forcible sexual abuse, sexual abuse of a child, or aggravated sexual abuse, contact Liberty Law defense attorneys today. We are ready to meet with you today to discuss the details of the case without bias or judgment.
We have represented clients throughout Salt Lake City, Utah, charged with sexually motivated crimes for more than 20 years and have successfully acquitted clients and negotiated for lesser charges. We will work to do the same for you. Sex crimes in the U.S. are very serious and carry severe penalties. Don’t leave your future to chance. Call us today at 801-709-6309.